Webpack example for fullPage.js

Webpack example for fullPage.js

Creating the bundle file

In order to create the bundle file main.js run the following command inside the root folder:

npm install

Then run:

npm run build

Which runs the comand specified in package.json:

npx webpack --config webpack.config.js

Importing files

// Optional. When using fullPage extensions
//import scrollHorizontally from './fullpage.scrollHorizontally.min';

// Optional. When using scrollOverflow:true
//import IScroll from 'fullpage.js/vendors/scrolloverflow';

// Importing fullpage.js
import fullpage from 'fullpage.js';

// When using fullPage extensions replace the previous import
// of fullpage.js for this file
//import fullpage from 'fullpage.js/dist/fullpage.extensions.min';

// Initializing it
var fullPageInstance = new fullpage('#myFullpage', {
    navigation: true,
    sectionsColor:['#ff5f45', '#0798ec', '#fc6c7c', 'grey']